Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Pressure of Culinary School

Who: Tea Spot Chef
What: Mid-term practical
When: August 18th, 2009 / 6:30-9:30pm 
Why: Because I love to cook & want to learn...

It seemed like a simple enough menu, but it was wasn't as easy as I thought...

The Menu:
  • Mixed salad & dressing
  • Puree of carrot soup
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Sauté squash
  • Seared chicken breast

As I was saying, it seemed simple enough. I even practiced this past weekend. I made the exact menu for 6 of my friends and did such a better job. Of course I didn't have chefs looking over my shoulder critiquing every little thing. I never thought the pressure would get to me, but it all came down to the last 15 minutes. In the end it is all about presentation, attention to detail and being well organized. When under pressure, these are the same things I struggle with outside of the kitchen.

WOW, what a breakthrough!!! I knew I was going to learn how to cook but never thought that culinary school would be such a personal learning experience. 

At the end of the day, I passed my practical. BUT to tell you the truth, the most important part of this experience was understanding that if I learn how to conquer my weakness in the kitchen, I could conquer them out of the kitchen...

One of the hardest things in life is identifying a weakness, which is why I thank chef Michael and Chef Marilyn for bringing them to my attention. The next hardest thing is to own a weakness, but I know if I don't then I won't grow because I can't change. 

That said, I have 8 weeks until my final. I wonder how much I'll change...

Anybody have a similar experience they'd like to share...

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