Welcome to the TeaSpot's “Keepin' it Loose!” blog. A woman-owned & operated company, we strive to enlighten our customers about the health benefits of loose leaf teas. Our company's products are a passionate fusion of tea, technology and design. In developing exceptional products for everyday use, our goal is to make tea a simple luxury that’s easy to integrate for a healthier lifestyle. "Keepin' it Loose!" is not only what we advocate you do with your tealeaves, but a mantra for how to live every day.
The time is right to make tea time easy, relaxing and fun. The new millennium finds us yearning for a calming beverage to soothe our senses, and help us take better care of our health. We want tea not just in bags, but tea that comes loose and requires some cool equipment and even a dash of personal ceremony to brew.
What we hope to achieve with these converstations is a broader understanding of what "Keepin' It Loose!" means to you -- how has tea time shaped your day today, your afternoons, your life? With your valuable input, we hope to gleam some insight on what our greater tea community would like to see in the future, what we can do to better serve you. More importantly, however, we hope that this sharing of information will enlighten and enliven those who come across it.
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5 years ago